On one of the WordPress sites I maintain, I found myself needing to create about 50 users. With a quick search, I found the needed functions are wp_create_user and wp_new_user_notification. However, the sample scripts did not work. Either the required WordPress bootstrap file was incorrect, or needed a path, or the wrong arguments were passed. So, for everyone’s benefit, here is my very simple script:
<?php require('/full/path/to/site/wp-blog-header.php'); // repeat the following two lines for as many more users as needed. $user_id = wp_create_user('username', 'ClearTextPassword', 'user@emailaddress.net'); wp_new_user_notification($user_id, 'ClearTextPassword'); ?>
The user will receive the standard announcement email. I used Excel to generate the needed lines and pasted them into the script. Finally, I placed the script, named makenewusers.php, at the root of the site and pointed a browser at http://mysite.com/makenewusers.php.